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Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams is an inspiration to me as a photographer. His photos center around nature and landscapes in black and white. This is inspiring to me because I enjoy taking nature photos, and something about black and white photography catches my eye

Paul Reiffer

Sunset photos are probably my favourite photos to take, they're just so colourful and full of life. If I admire any sunset photos, it's these ones. They not only capture the sunset, but the landscape around them. 

Christian Ritcher

Christian Ritcher takes photos of abandoned places. Unlike Troy Pavia, his photos focus more on the actual abandoned aspect of buildings in different European countries. I really admire the way the photos capture the impermanence of things, and how nothing is around forever. 

Troy Pavia 

Troy Pavia takes photos of abandoned places at night. This inspires me because as spooky as that sounds, his photos have so much colour and life. They don't look dreary or scary like most abandoned photography does. It is an aesthetic I have never seen before, but one I admire.

Petra Collins

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